SpaceBudz was lanuched on 24th March 2021. It sold out in 2 days. While minting, 3 missprints (duplicates) did occur. It is the fifth NFT project on Cardano, created by Alessandro Konrad and his team, a german student who is studying at the TU Munich.


The rarities are defined by the type of the animal and their gadgets with different probabilities.

Type: Frog
Type: Dino
Type: Rhino
Dino0.08 %
Bull0.22 %
Elephant0.62 %
Fish0.83 %
Wolf0.99 %
Rhino1.00 %
Shark1.98 %
Frog5.23 %
Parrot5.45 %
Lion5.53 %
Arcane6.02 %
Bear7.99 %
Tiger8.45 %
Robot9.80 %
Alien10.88 %
Ape11.14 %
Dog11.88 %
Cat11.91 %
Table 1: Rarities of SpaceBudz types.

Also, there are different gadget counts. Here you can see the distribution, where the x-axis is the number of gadgets and the y-axis is the SpaceBud count:

Figure 1: Distribution of the Gadgets. Observe that there is only one 12 Gadget Budz.

Buying Guide

We recommend every SpaceBud, since this is an OG CardanoNFT project that is here to stay forever. However, getting hands on a Dino will be very hard, since the 8 holders that exist have diamond hands.

Links and Sources

All images are taken from ipfs. The right belongs to the respective token holder.
official site:
policy id: d5e6bf0500378d4f0da4e8dde6becec7621cd8cbf5cbb9b87013d4cc